
An error handler for Node code


npm install eraz


Throw an error at some point during the request/response cycle to be handled by middleware to return the required Http response status code and attributes as JSON.


const { BadRequestError } = require('eraz');

function doSomething(data) {
    if (data === undefined) throw new BadRequestError('No data provided.');
    // ...else continue computation

The Http response will include a status code of 400 along with the error message No data provided.

Extra attributes

An error can be instantiated with additional attributes passed in.


const { BadRequestError } = require('eraz');

function doSomething(data) {
    if (data.requiredAttribute === undefined) throw new BadRequestError('Required attribute is undefined.', data);
    // ...else continue computation

The Http response will include a status code of 400 along with the error message Required attribute is undefined. and this time the object is being passed in as a parameter which will be included in the Http response as JSON.

Http Errors

Name Code
BadRequestError 400
UnauthorizedError 401
ForbiddenError 403
NotFoundError 404
NotAcceptableError 406
ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError 407
RequestTimeoutError 408
ConflictError 409
GoneError 410
LengthRequiredError 411
PreconditionFailedError 412
RequestEntityTooLargeError 413
RequestURITooLongError 414



const express = require('express');
const { expressHandler } = require('eraz');

const app = express();


Custom Errors

Custom errors can be created using the generator with name being the only required attribute.

generator(attributes [, ParentError]);


const { generator } = require('eraz');

const CustomError = generator({
    name: 'CustomError',
    foo: 'bar'


const { generator, NotFoundError } = require('eraz');

const CustomError = generator({
    name: 'CustomError',
    foo: 'bar'
}, NotFoundError);

if (false) throw new CustomError('Handled as a 400 but with the foo attribute included.');


PR's welcome on github.